I grew up in the piney woods of east Texas, and my parents did me a great favor by requiring my sisters and me to play outside A LOT. I began to develop a healthy imagination, and I still try to feed it every day. I love to hike, kayak, sing, hang out with my two puppies, and write plays.
I’ve enjoyed an active career in educational theatre, and I’ve worked in that realm as an actor, director, technical director, designer, and playwright. I’ve served as the chair of Theatre at Navarro College in Corsicana, Texas, for 20 years. I wrote my first play in an effort to maximize our theatre department’s budget, and I fell in love with the playwriting process. My plays have been performed in high schools, elementary schools, churches, community theatres, private schools, community colleges, and universities. I write for a number of reasons: 1) I can’t stop myself 2) My students seem to learn so much from working on an original piece 3) I learn a lot about life and myself by writing 4) My plays seem to bring joy to others (mainly my sisters and my parents).
I hold several degrees in Theatre: A. A. from Panola College; B. A. from The University of Texas at Tyler, M. A. from The University of Texas at Tyler; Ph.D. from Louisiana State University. My plays have won a number of awards, and if you’re interested in those, please see the plot synopses elsewhere on my website.
I suppose the only thing I haven’t covered yet is my favorite color, which changes from time to time, but at the moment, I’m in love with Creamsicle Orange.